WuJiang XiangFeng Purification Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Purification engineering of food factory
Time : 2018/8/10 14:57:10 sentiment:401

1. Construction requirements of purification engineering of food factory
1.1 all buildings of the plant shall be sturdy, easy to maintain and clean, and have structures which can prevent contamination of food, food contact surfaces and packaging materials (such as invasion of harmful animals, habitat, reproduction, etc.).
1.2 in order to prevent cross-contamination, personnel channels and material transport channels should be set up separately. Each channel should be equipped with air curtains (i.e. wind screens) or two-way spring-door and electronic anti-fly (mosquito) devices.
1.3 the air Spaces around pipelines, doors, Windows and ventilation ducts to the outside shall be completely filled, and all Windows, vents and fan openings shall be provided with protective nets.
1.4 the height of the production plant shall meet the requirements of process, hygiene, and equipment installation, maintenance and maintenance.
2. Purification engineering ground and drainage of food plant
2.1 the ground shall be paved with non-toxic, non-permeable, non-absorbent, non-slip, non-fissured and easily cleaned and disinfected building materials (such as acidproof bricks, terrazzo, concrete, etc.), and the ground shall have a proper slope (preferably from 1.0 to 1.5%).
3. Clean roof and ceiling of food factory
3.1 the roof and ceiling shall be covered or decorated with light-colored materials that do not absorb water, have a smooth and clean surface, are non-toxic, mildew resistant, corrosion-resistant, and easy to clean, which can reduce dew dripping on the structure.
3.2 the food and the upper part exposed to the food contact surface shall not be equipped with auxiliary pipes such as steam, water and electricity to prevent dust or condensate from falling into.
4. Purification engineering walls and doors and Windows of the food factory
4.1 the walls of the workshop shall be constructed with non-toxic, non-absorbent, non-permeable, mildew proof, smooth and easy to clean light color materials, and the decoration height shall be up to the roof.
4.2 all door and window frames shall be sealed with anti-rust, moisture-proof and easy to clean.
5. Lighting and lighting facilities of purification engineering of food factory
The workshop shall have adequate natural lighting or artificial lighting, the working surface of the processing site shall not be less than 300lx, and the batching and filling workshop shall not be less than 800lx.
6. Air treatment and purification facilities for purification engineering of food factory
6.1 effective ventilation equipment must be installed in the workshop. The air flow shall flow from the clean area to the non-clean area. When mechanical ventilation is adopted, the air change shall be greater than 3 times/hour.
6.2 clean room temperature should be controlled between 15 ~ 27 ℃, humidity to control below 50% advisable.
6.3 cleaning facilities at the entrance of the workshop shall be provided with personnel and materials respectively.

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